List of news items

Publish by 02/11/2022

Mechanical, electric, motorised, electromechanical... You know these types of locks by heart.

But have you heard of the augmented mechanical lock?

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Publish by 12/10/2022

Quelle est l'espérance de vie d'une abeille ?

Depuis quand l'homme a t-il découvert le miel ?

Autant de questions qui trouveront réponse dans notre édition de la saison.

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Expoprotection 2022

Publish by 09/11/2022

Meet us at Expoprotection from 15 to 17 November 2022.

Stand E90 - Hall 1

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Energy dependence...and security

Publish by 05/10/2022

The state calls for energy frugality. But what will be the consequences?
Will there be power cuts?
A prolonged power cut has consequences for buildings in terms of operations and safety.

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Publish by 21/09/2022

L'équipe GUIDOTTI SA sera présente au forum ADITEL - Association le jeudi 29 et vendredi 30 septembre au Palais des Congrès de Nancy.

L'occasion de discuter des problématiques de verrouillage des établissements bancaires que nous connaissons bien.

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Publish by 07/09/2022

Maybe not yet born or at the very beginning of your career...

Guidotti already existed!

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